Friday, April 10, 2009

Galatians Commentary

It is clear to me that what is being delt with in the book of Galatians is the thinking of being saved by keeping the Law. I think Paul was scolding them for having a legalist attitude toward the Law by them keeping the Law for Salvation. I tell you the Truth, We are NOT SAVED by Keeping the Law. Only by the blood of Yeshua (Jesus). We should look at the Torah as a guide book or instruction manual to learn things like not having improper relations with a sister or mother, and not living in a moldy house and what to do if you get mold in your house, etc., etc. Never any Salvation in it, just instruction that is of benefit to us even today. As far as the Feasts, I think that we can look at them as Holi-Days, to remind us of what is physically and spiritually connected to them, not Saved by them, just a neat way to remember. Yeshua is Truly in all of them. We are only SAVED by HIS Sacrifice/Blood in our place and if we believe HE is the Son of God, Then our sins are forgiven. I feel much better, personally, by celebrating the Feast Days as a remembrance instead of Holidays of a Pagan origin. There should not be any arguments as far as my last statement, because anyone can go to Wikipedia and study out the origins of Xmas, Easter etc. Anyway, I think that I have been very clear for everyone to see, that I believe that WE are NOT Saved by keeping the Law..


Monday, April 6, 2009

The Bill of Charges Against Us

I just discovered something interesting about Col. 2:14. Starting with verse 11 ... If you read these verses from the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) it seems to make more sense. "11 Also it was in union with him that you were circumcised with a circumcision not done by human hands, but accomplished by stripping away the old nature's control over the body. In this cirucumcision done by the Messiah, 12 you were buried along with him by being immersed; and in union with him, you were also raised up along with him by God's faithfulness that worked when he raised Yeshua from the dead. 13 You were dead because of your sins, that is, because of your "foreskin," your old nature. But God made you alive along with the Messiah by forgiving you all your sins.
14 He wiped away the bill of charges against us. Because of the regulations, it stood as a testimony against us; but he removed it by nailing it to the execution-stake."

To me this is saying that it is the list of sins and our old sinful nature that is being talked about here. Not the Law or Torah. This meshes with Rev. 20:12-15.. All our offenses are written down and if we do not believe in Yeshua as Messiah and ask for forgiveness through HIS Shed Blood, then our sins will not be wiped away. Our Blood will be required to pay the penalty and our name will be wiped away from the Book of Life... WOW! Another Ahaa Moment for Me... Hope it means something to you too... Shalom, John

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jews to Christians?

Did Yeshua (Jesus) intend on the the Creation of the Christian Church? The short answer is NO. HE intended on the Jews becoming Believer's in his Messiahship! Did HE negate the Jewish faith and all that was practiced by the Jews previous to HIS coming? I Say NO ! (Matt 5:17-20) He kept the Torah (Law) completely, that is why it is said there was no fault found in HIM, he was a perfect LAMB with no blemish. (Luke 23:4, 1 Peter 2:22-24) Wasn't the Great Commission given to Jewish men to go out and preach the good news that the Messiah had come and to teach what HE had done and also what HE would do in the Future? Wasn't the Great Commission to find the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel? (Matt 10:6, 15:24, James 1:1) Didn't HE also commission through Shaul (Paul) the conversion of Gentiles (non-Jewish, Goyim) to the Messianic Jewish Faith? (Acts 13:42-52, Isa 42:6; 49:6, Luke 2:32).

Some will use Acts 11:26 to uphold the term "Christian" and try to use this as well as Yeshua (Jesus) being called "the Christ" as basis for the Christian church. This idea is false and is built on a lie or possibly just a translation error which has lead to the idea of "Replacement Theology" (the christian religion replacing Judaism). If we go back to the original words that the Bible was translated from, you will see that there was never any intention of a Christian Church or another Religion. (Gal 1:6-9, 2 Cor 11:4) Look at the word "Christ" in the Strong's Concordance reference #5547 "Christos", from #5548 "Chrio" from the Greek, meaning "Anoint". This is a translation from the Hebrew word for "Messiah" #4899 "Mashiyach", from 4886 "Anointed". We find in two places in the Bible the Greek term "Messias" #3323, in John 1:41 and John 4:25. Why did the translators use "Messias" here instead of "Christos" or "Christ"? The point is that the words Christ, Christos, Messiah, or Messias are not HIS Name, it is a title showing that Yeshua was the Prophesied Savior. Therefore, in Acts 11:26 the Translators could have just as easily used the word "Messians" instead of "Christians".

"Christ" was never his name. If someone calls HIM "Christ" it is just describing HIM as the Anointed, The Messiah. When people say "Jesus Christ", it is as if it is HIS first and last name which is not correct. The people of HIS day referred to HIM as "Yeshua ben Yowceph" when HE was a boy and also by those who did not know or believe in HIS Messiahship when HE began HIS Ministry.

There is only one TRUE religion. It is the Belief in Yeshua as the Son of God, THE Promised Messiah and the observance of the Torah because of our Love and Faith in Him. He came to show the World the Truth about our Heavenly Father YHWH. He came to bring the Law and the Prophets to Life, and to Fulfill them. He was a Jew. He taught and kept all of the Torah (Law). He was a Rabbi (Teacher of the Torah). He was/is the embodiment of the Father. Everything that HE did was to Glorify the Father. Without HIM, there is NO hope for Eternal Life 1 John 5:3, 11-12).

I know that this writing is hard to read for some, however it still needs to be said. It is not meant to discourage. All of my writings are MY OPINION of what I see and understand when I am studying a specific subject using the Bible as my Source. I am much like a news reporter giving my account of what I see happening as I read the Scriptures in the Bible. My Goal in sharing my writings is to get people to open their eyes and ears and get their noses into the Scriptures. I exhort all who read my writings to examine their belief system and their Heart to make sure that they are living, believing and understanding to their fullest potential.

We should always ask ourselves "What Did Yeshua Do and What did the writers of the New Testament Scriptures do in the First Century?" They are our example. We must keep in context with what was happening at the time they lived. 1 Cor. 11:1-2, Acts 28:17, 1 John 2:3-6.

The Voice of Revelation 18:4 is still calling to us today... "Come out of her my people, that you not be partakers of her sins, and that you not receive of her plagues...


© 2009 Common Law Copyright John Dandridge, All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice. Can be reprinted ONLY if NO Changes are made to the Text.