Thursday, June 30, 2011

Restraint of the Lawless Man

I just want to share my difficulty with the teaching about the restrainer spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2 as being satan. In my reading and study, I don't come up with that understanding. This teaching is being taught by a prominent writer and I don't agree, so I wanted to share a few points.

First, the word "apostasia" can and probably should have been translated "departure". Read 2 Thess. and remember that the context is whether or not the day of the Lord has come. Insert "departure" into it instead of apostasy or falling away and then consider that it is the Holy Spirit that dwells within the elect that has departed. I think that it is the Holy Spirit that dwells within us that is restraining the man of lawlessness (no Torah). notice v7, He restrains until He (Holy Spirit) is taken away, then the lawless man is revealed. Note v10 speaks of a contrast to the elect. It speaks of those who perish because they didn't have a love for the Truth (Torah). The elect is the Bride, that He, Y'shua is coming to take to "their room" of safety (Isa. 26:19-21; Joel 2:16), and since the Holy Spirit's restraining influence is within the Bride and is then removed from the Earth, haSatan is able to go full force against the inhabitants of the Earth.

I also have trouble with his teaching concerning the tares interfering with the growth of the wheat. Anyone who has worked with harvesting wheat knows that this is not true, they grow together and you can't tell what is what until harvest. Matt. 13:30 speaks of the harvesters being instructed to gather the tares (those who perish because they don't have a love for the Torah) to be burned, but the wheat, (the elected saints who believe and obey Y'shua, the Torah made flesh. John 1) having value to the landowner, is seperated from the tares. The landowner tells His workers to gather the wheat into the barn to be protected and preserved in the safety of His barn. Anyway, not really trying to prove anything, just putting an idea out there that (for me) makes more sense. I have left out a lot, but I think that you can get the idea that I am trying to state.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Peace, Loving Compassion, Grace, and Mercy

What judgement has been placed upon me, that I might be eternally shunned? Where is the compassion and longsuffering of a Father to His son, though the son be tempted and fall away? Where are the open arms of a Father when His son is humbled and turns back, seeking forgiveness and acceptance? What man has turned away his heart from our Father's example and seated himself as judge of those which he knows not? Who is the man who observes from a distance, thinking he knows the one whom he is passing judgement? Who is the man that passes a verdict of guilty upon the one who is attempting to please His Father? Who is the one finding fault, as his brother tries his best to follow their Father's instruction, howbeit, the flesh is overcome and misses the mark? Who is the man who knows not the frame of mankind, that he is but dust? Praise be to the One and Only Father, who remembers that He made man and holds the intimate knowledge of His creation. Praise be to the One who has pity for His creatures and wants not one to be lost. Praise be to the One who made Himself as dust, to walk among His creatures with mercy and compassion, to be The Living example of His Word, which He created in The Beginning. Praise be to our Abba YAHWEH and His Messiah, Yeshua. Full of Shalom (peace), Chesed (loving compassion), Chen (grace), and Racham (mercy). Psalm 84:11-12; Proverbs 4; Psalm 6; 102; 103; Luke 15:11-32; Matthew 7:3-5; Hebrews 4:12; James 4:11-12, 5:9-11


People just want to be remembered. Each one of us is more than just a number. We should try to be more in tune with those around us, giving notice if someone hasn't come to work, Bible study, or where ever we would normally see them. Giving a quick text, email or phone call just to check-in. We all have a desire to belong and feel cared for by others. I am going to try and do better at this, I hope you will too.

Tradition vs Torah

Traditions are not a problem unless they negate Torah, cause you to go against Torah, or forget Torah. All christian churches are full of these type of traditions. Xmas, easter, thanksgiving etc., and even their teachings of tithe. If our Father has not placed His Name in the place that tithe is taken, then it is given in error. There is only three times a year that tithe was given and it was only given at the Temple storehouses which only existed when the Temple was in Jerusalem. No Temple in Jerusalem means No Tithe! Also, Tithe was never about money, it was about food and if you weren't a farmer in The Land, you didn't owe it. On the contrary Yahweh told them to sell their Tithe and bind the money in their hand and go to the land that He has placed His Name and then Buy anything your heart desires.. Meat, Wine and even Strong Drink. (Deut. 14:24) Interestingly, these are three primary things that SDA's teach against consuming. You see, the problem is that most in the christian churches don't know the Scripture from a Jewish/Hebrew mindset. They think they know the truth, but they don't know anything other than the traditions that their particular sect (denomination) has taught them. This is all part of Mystery Babylon and the call to come out of her is louder and clearer than ever before. We must ask ourselves which road we are traveling on, the wide road that leads to destruction, which most, if not all of christendom is traveling. Or, are we traveling on the narrow road to enter the narrow door that leads to Eternal Life, which only a few will find? Awake from your slumber, the Last Trump is about to be blown!