Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Our" Choices and the Way of Cain

It is my observation that when a man has already decided the matter, and regardless of what proof is presented, he stands firm in his decision, the matter is settled and those who try and go against his decision are met with a futile attempt to convince others of his decision.

The Way of Cain is alive and well today and when a man enters into it, He has made the same decision as Cain did... "I know what my Father has asked me to do, however He will accept the offering that "I" have decided upon." We must strive to be as Abel and humbly do as we are asked without our "decision" getting in the way. We must read the Scriptures as a complete story, not taking bits and pieces to put together what we think the story is about. We must also take everything written in it's context, when it was written, who it was written to, and what they were up against at that time...

Here is a link to a good study on Cain....


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