Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who or What is the Church?

The following is a compilation of my reponses to a posting on Facebook that I wanted to pull together into one article.

A lot of good comments. Just wanted to share that the word "Church" is the English derivation of the Greek word "Ekklesia" meaning "Gathering of the Chosen". We must ask then "Who are the Chosen?"... First we have to put our minds and thinking into the 1st Century, in the mindframe and context of who was writing, who it was written to and what were they up against at that time.. If we go into scripture with a 21st Century, Western mindset we will never be able to understand what is happening in the Bible... Who are the Chosen? Do a word study on the word "chose" and "chosen".. Also, look at what the believers were called back then "the Way"... Do a word study on "the Way" and notice that "the Way" (W is upper case) is different than "the way" (w is lower case). Look at Acts 9:2, Paul is still hunting the believers in Yeshua and it refers to the Believers as "the Way". Also, notice that after Paul's conversion he then belongs to "the Way". Acts 24:14.

Notice in Acts 24:14 that Paul says that he believes everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets.. Remember that Paul was a Pharisee, a Jew who became a believer in the Jewish Messiah. There is so much to say here, but so little space, but the point is that there is only one True "Church" or Ekklesia, it is Jew or Gentile that follows "the Way". The way is the belief in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Anointed Son of G-D, and professing HIS Blood as Atonement of our Sins, and Repentance of Sin (turning away from Sin). To turn away from Sin, we have to understand what the Biblical definition of what Sin is... 1 John 3:4 contains the answer and when we understand this, then we can try to walk as HE did 1 John 2:2-6... Please read all of 1 John 3. How do we show G-D that we Love HIM? 1 John 5:2-3... I know that I am going to get blasted for writing this, that is OK, but before you throw this in the trash, word study Lawless,& Lawlessness and notice what is being talked about here. Also, look up "the way of cain".. The Adversary (ha Satan, the Devil) hates G-D's Law (Torah) and He will teach against it, saying that it was done away with, but if it was done away with at the Cross, then why was Paul taking a Nazarite Vow? Acts 18:18, 21:23-26. There are more instances of Paul keeping the Torah, so don't you think that if the Law (Torah) was done away with, He would have spoken up and told the Jerusalem Council of the Way, that the Law was done away with and they were not under the requirements? He didn't because It Hadn't... I am going to stop here. There is enough given here to put you on track, but I will say that if you are going to understand the Bible, you have to get OUT of the Christian Churches, and get into a Messianic Jewish Congregation that has an Anointed Teacher of the Torah, who can teach you the Jewish Roots of the Faith...

1. Romans 12:4-8.. I don't think that this has anything to do with denominations, just people and to each one their talents, abilities..Spiritual Gifts.. Salt of the Earth... Matthew 5:13 is saying that if the salt has lost it's taste then it is no longer good for anything and should be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.. So as I read it, the salt scattered out is of no value.. So I don't see it being an example of unity... If a man looses his Love for the Truth or Saltiness then he is of no value.

2. That was the point. "the Way" is what the Sect of Believers in Messiah were referred to by the people of the day. Acts 24:14.. “But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect I do serve the God of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets". Notice exactly what he says here. He was defending his upholding of the Law and Prophets, because he was being accused of not keeping the Law. Not one time does he mention Jesus fulfilling the Law and Prophets. This context has nothing to do with that. Jesus hasn't fulfilled everything yet, He fulfilled the blood needed for ratification of the covenant at Moab (New Covenant), and He fulfilled the spring feasts. You also have to understand what fulfilled means. It does not mean done away. It means to rightly interpret, or give proper meaning. Matthew 5:17-20 is pretty clear to me. In Luke 24:44, Yeshua tells exactly what He came to Fulfill.. It is so simple, He came to "fulfill" or "fill full" the things that were written about Him in the Torah (Law) of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.

3. If belief in Jesus is enough then what is said in Matthew 7:21-23 is a moot point. Belief, Faith, Works (Hebrews 11, James 2) is what is required. We all should carefully contemplate the last statement made in Matthew 7:23... We must look at the Whole, Big Picture... Hey just for kicks, go read Ezekiel 40-48... This is the Messianic Temple and it hasn't been built yet. Notice what will be takinig place at that Temple. I am Thankful for the opportunity to share my thoughts. We all have to make up our own minds. Just hope you don't judge the message because of the messenger :o)

Please don't lump me into the Messianic Jewish mold just because under my profile I say Messianic Jewish as my religious beliefs. I am a Gentile, that believes in the Jewish Messiah, therefore I am grafted in to the vine. I believe that Yeshua is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I also believe that HE is G-D's only begotten Son.

Please prayerfully go over everything that I wrote, several times and please look up all of the texts.

I have the deepest respect for you both and I care very much for you. Everything that I believe and have written was not developed in a few minutes, it takes a long time of study and prayer to understand these things. I know that it is upsetting, but it is there, even if you can't see it right now. I believe that what I believe and teach meshes with all of scripture with no contradictions. This venue is really not the way to go over these things. Please, let's get together to study these things out. I just want to share because I care.


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