Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to show Him our Love...

Reading all of 1 John will reveal to you how we show Him that we Love Him and how we love our neighbor. We are to Love G-D first and then our neighbor. All the christian verse pickers like to talk about John 3:16, but what they fail to do is read 20 verses after that. In Hebrew thinking, Belief and Obedience are synonyms. One of our greatest examples of Faith was/is Abraham, Genesis 26:5 is very clear in how he lived. Yeshua lived perfectly within Torah and 1 John 2:3-6 tells us we should walk as He did. The mistake that most make is confusing salvation and righteousness. Salvation is not earned by walking in Torah, that only comes through the Blood of Y'shua. Walking in Torah doesn't make us Right-eous with our Father, Torah is how we walk because of Y'shua's Righteousness. One other point is the mistake of calling Torah "Law". This is a greek/english interpretation error. Greek only had one root word to describe anything that was of law or instruction "nomia" or "nomous". Instruction is not the same as Law. We do only know in part and see in the mirror dimly, however isn't it the point that we are at least trying to know and see?  Maranatha ,  John

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