Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who or What is the Church?

The following is a compilation of my reponses to a posting on Facebook that I wanted to pull together into one article.

A lot of good comments. Just wanted to share that the word "Church" is the English derivation of the Greek word "Ekklesia" meaning "Gathering of the Chosen". We must ask then "Who are the Chosen?"... First we have to put our minds and thinking into the 1st Century, in the mindframe and context of who was writing, who it was written to and what were they up against at that time.. If we go into scripture with a 21st Century, Western mindset we will never be able to understand what is happening in the Bible... Who are the Chosen? Do a word study on the word "chose" and "chosen".. Also, look at what the believers were called back then "the Way"... Do a word study on "the Way" and notice that "the Way" (W is upper case) is different than "the way" (w is lower case). Look at Acts 9:2, Paul is still hunting the believers in Yeshua and it refers to the Believers as "the Way". Also, notice that after Paul's conversion he then belongs to "the Way". Acts 24:14.

Notice in Acts 24:14 that Paul says that he believes everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets.. Remember that Paul was a Pharisee, a Jew who became a believer in the Jewish Messiah. There is so much to say here, but so little space, but the point is that there is only one True "Church" or Ekklesia, it is Jew or Gentile that follows "the Way". The way is the belief in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Anointed Son of G-D, and professing HIS Blood as Atonement of our Sins, and Repentance of Sin (turning away from Sin). To turn away from Sin, we have to understand what the Biblical definition of what Sin is... 1 John 3:4 contains the answer and when we understand this, then we can try to walk as HE did 1 John 2:2-6... Please read all of 1 John 3. How do we show G-D that we Love HIM? 1 John 5:2-3... I know that I am going to get blasted for writing this, that is OK, but before you throw this in the trash, word study Lawless,& Lawlessness and notice what is being talked about here. Also, look up "the way of cain".. The Adversary (ha Satan, the Devil) hates G-D's Law (Torah) and He will teach against it, saying that it was done away with, but if it was done away with at the Cross, then why was Paul taking a Nazarite Vow? Acts 18:18, 21:23-26. There are more instances of Paul keeping the Torah, so don't you think that if the Law (Torah) was done away with, He would have spoken up and told the Jerusalem Council of the Way, that the Law was done away with and they were not under the requirements? He didn't because It Hadn't... I am going to stop here. There is enough given here to put you on track, but I will say that if you are going to understand the Bible, you have to get OUT of the Christian Churches, and get into a Messianic Jewish Congregation that has an Anointed Teacher of the Torah, who can teach you the Jewish Roots of the Faith...

1. Romans 12:4-8.. I don't think that this has anything to do with denominations, just people and to each one their talents, abilities..Spiritual Gifts.. Salt of the Earth... Matthew 5:13 is saying that if the salt has lost it's taste then it is no longer good for anything and should be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.. So as I read it, the salt scattered out is of no value.. So I don't see it being an example of unity... If a man looses his Love for the Truth or Saltiness then he is of no value.

2. That was the point. "the Way" is what the Sect of Believers in Messiah were referred to by the people of the day. Acts 24:14.. “But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect I do serve the God of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets". Notice exactly what he says here. He was defending his upholding of the Law and Prophets, because he was being accused of not keeping the Law. Not one time does he mention Jesus fulfilling the Law and Prophets. This context has nothing to do with that. Jesus hasn't fulfilled everything yet, He fulfilled the blood needed for ratification of the covenant at Moab (New Covenant), and He fulfilled the spring feasts. You also have to understand what fulfilled means. It does not mean done away. It means to rightly interpret, or give proper meaning. Matthew 5:17-20 is pretty clear to me. In Luke 24:44, Yeshua tells exactly what He came to Fulfill.. It is so simple, He came to "fulfill" or "fill full" the things that were written about Him in the Torah (Law) of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.

3. If belief in Jesus is enough then what is said in Matthew 7:21-23 is a moot point. Belief, Faith, Works (Hebrews 11, James 2) is what is required. We all should carefully contemplate the last statement made in Matthew 7:23... We must look at the Whole, Big Picture... Hey just for kicks, go read Ezekiel 40-48... This is the Messianic Temple and it hasn't been built yet. Notice what will be takinig place at that Temple. I am Thankful for the opportunity to share my thoughts. We all have to make up our own minds. Just hope you don't judge the message because of the messenger :o)

Please don't lump me into the Messianic Jewish mold just because under my profile I say Messianic Jewish as my religious beliefs. I am a Gentile, that believes in the Jewish Messiah, therefore I am grafted in to the vine. I believe that Yeshua is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I also believe that HE is G-D's only begotten Son.

Please prayerfully go over everything that I wrote, several times and please look up all of the texts.

I have the deepest respect for you both and I care very much for you. Everything that I believe and have written was not developed in a few minutes, it takes a long time of study and prayer to understand these things. I know that it is upsetting, but it is there, even if you can't see it right now. I believe that what I believe and teach meshes with all of scripture with no contradictions. This venue is really not the way to go over these things. Please, let's get together to study these things out. I just want to share because I care.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Matter of Meat

The Matter of Meat is a sensitive subject because we all have our own beliefs concerning the consumption of meat as a source of protein. Don’t worry, I am not here to convince you to become a vegetarian or even to follow my ideas. I am just wanting to give you bits of information that will possibly cause you to re-think some of your beliefs concerning the use of meat in your diet.

I am pretty sure that everyone is familiar with Leviticus 11 and what is Biblically considered meat to be used for food and what is not... If you are not familiar with this then please stop reading this and get your Bible and go over it before continuing this article.

In the Bible there are multiple words that are associated as meat or flesh. The most common word is “Basar”. Although this word can mean “flesh” like man’s flesh, it is more often used in the context of food meaning meat, bread, fruit etc..

Let’s first consider something that we all partake of… Fast Food… Should we eat out?

Fast Food equals cheap ingredients, poor quality, poor nutrition, and Poor Health ! The Business Goal of the Fast Food Industry is Taste and Appeal for the lowest cost. The fast food industry does not have your health interest in mind. The Movie Documentary “Super-Size Me” told the story of a man who ate all of his daily food from Mc Donalds. He was medically tested at the beginning and was found to be healthy. After, 2 weeks of him only consuming Mc Donalds food, His Dr’s were afraid for his health, because his his major organs were showing severe signs of disease and he was sick and even though the advice of his Dr’s was to stop the documentary, he pushed through the full 30 days. By the end, he was very sick. After he stopped eating that food, his health slowly returned to normal.. It really doesn’t matter if it is McDonalds, Wendy's, Arbys, or Taco Bell, I feel that the end result would be the same.

We need to remember that the business goal of a fast food business is to inexpensively produce products that are low in consumer cost with appeal to the consumer with generally no concern for health. There is also evidence that these companies put taste enhancing chemicals in the food that can actually cause allergic reactions in susceptible people. Some of these chemicals actually make you crave more of it, thereby causing you to go back to their restaurant to get more.. Did you know that the food wrapper and containers are treated with Teflon to lengthen the time that the “food” can be wrapped up without leaking all over the sack, your car etc… Tests have shown that the Teflon shows up in miniscule amounts of each food that is wrapped in it, and since our body cannot effectively eliminate it, it builds up in our body and could cause problems.

Feedlots and Animal Health -- Antibiotics, Growth Hormones, Microbes etc.

Have you ever been to a feed lot? Do the animals graze in a pasture? No they don’t. They live their life in dirt or mud and are fed a diet of grain and “feed”. Research shows that the feed is laced with antibiotics, hormones etc. And if that is not bad enough. There is evidence that “animal parts” and chicken feces are dessicated and put into the feed to enhance protein content. Animal parts in the feed of an animal who’s natural diet is grass? This is exactly the cause of BSE or Mad Cow Disease. I believe that this practice is wrong and we should try to the best of our ability to avoid eating meat from animals raised this way.

Is Kosher any Better?

Kosher, doesn't necessarily mean fed or raised properly. Kosher meat just means a Rabbi inspected the animal and found no visible flaws and then it was killed by Jewish Kosher Guidelines. Then after the animal is processed and halved, it is inspected again and if no visible flaws are found it is passed as Kosher. The animal to be butchered can come from a commercial feedlot, loaded with antibiotics, growth hormones etc., but is still "Kosher" if approved by the Rabbi/Inspector… It is possible for this animal to contain pesticide residue, antibiotic residue, hormones etc. I have heard it said that these things are not passed to humans through the consumption of the meat, but if that were true, then why does the CDC report the diseases that are transmitted via meat consumption?

Here is a short list of known diseases that can be transmitted to humans by eating their flesh. BSE,aka Mad Cow Disease, E. Coli, Campylobacter, Bacilus Cereus, Staphylococcus, Shigella, Clostridium, and Salmonella, . Also, New research shows that Borrelia Burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease can be transmitted by meat consumption..

Some believe that as long as you don’t cut into the spinal cord, BSE infection can’t be transmitted to humans. I believe that this is not true because all of the muscle of the animal is enervated with nerves that are connected to the CNS, therefore, doesn’t it make sense that the disease would also be in the meat? Also, when the butchers cut the carcass in half, they do so with a band saw through the spinal cord, thereby contaminating the whole carcass by splattering the spinal fluid onto the carcass !

So with this information, I believe that we are no better off consuming Certified Kosher meat. I believe that we are better off consuming farm raised, grass fed beef and/or organically grown/fed, if not both…

Did you know that only grass fed beef and milk has a natural substance called conjugated linoleic acid, aka CLA? CLA has been shown to benefit the human metabolism by causing the “brown adipose” tissue in our body to take in the “white adipose tissue and cause it to be used in the process of thermogenesis, thereby causing a reduction of body fat. which is responsible for our belly and love handles. CLA has also been shown to increase our lean muscle mass, prevent Allergies, Cancer, and Atherosclerosis. As well as helping to normalize Serum Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels.

It is clear to me that CLA is a major benefit to us and I believe that it was in the Maker’s Design for it to be present for our benefit. However, it does not happen if the animal is fed a diet completely of grain or feed cubes.. It only happens if it consumes primarily fresh grass and hay. I find this to be a big lesson in letting the animal do what is natural to them, not forcing them to live a way contrary to how G-D designed them live...

Even though I have only talked about Beef here, we can’t leave out chicken or turkey… Commercial chicken and turkey farms are no better than the commercial Beef industry. Growth Hormones, Antibiotics, animal part laced feed etc… They are packed wall to wall in brooder houses with barely room to move. So, organic or farm raised is the best choice here also...

Now, even though I don't promote vegetarianism, I do teach that we don't need large amounts of animal protein (meat) in our daily intake of food. I believe that there is quite a bit of evidence that our daily intake of protein should only be around 20% of our total daily intake and the rest of our nutritional needs of Carbohydrates and Fats, should come from nuts, seeds, legumes, vegetables and fruit.

I think that we should be conscious of the food that we eat and we should make good nutrition choices daily for optimal physical and mental health. Even though the Bible is basically silent about what we call nutrition today, we do have the texts that support the idea that it is important to treat “our” body as a Temple.

Should we consider what we offer "our" body as a Temple Offering?

1 Cor. 6:19-20 says: Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. I know that the context of these verses is concerning being with a prostitute, however we could carry over this line of thinking to what we eat also.

In traditional Jewish homes, the dinner table is considered the family altar, and the home itself is called the “mikdash meyat”, a little sanctuary where G-D can dwell. Because the family invites G-D to join them at every meal all foods must be ritually acceptable. When we eat we should consider that our table is an altar which we make an offering to Ad-nai.

Would we take a commercially raised animal to offer as a sacrifice if the Temple existed today? Would G-D consider it unblemished?

My opinion based on my studies, is NO, G-D would not consider this kind of animal as unblemished and it would be rejected. So, with all of the evidence and opinions given here, would you want to take the meat from this animal into your body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit ?

If farm raised or Organic is not available, I believe that it would be best to not eat meat. And we would be better off just eating bread, grain, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds or legumes.

I believe that our Creator delights in our health and happiness and HE has provided so much for us to partake of for us to be so. I know for a fact that no one is happy when they are sick. Yes, sometimes illness happens regardless of how we live, but I think that we would have better health if we would consider what foods would work best for our body.

There is a whole lot more that could be said here, but I just wanted to share with you these ideas that have been on my mind and I hope that you have learned enough here, to go out on your own and learn more..

Shalom, John

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Power of Nine...

Do you know the 9 words that sum up the Gospel message?

"Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand" Matthew 3:2; 4:17.

Repentance, Repent.. What does that mean? It means to turn around from sin and go the other way. John the Baptist, Yeshua, and the Deciples all taught this. This is a BIG part of the Good News, the Gospel message. Turn around and stop sinning. If you turn around, you turn your back on sin (unrighteousness) and by doing this you turn toward righteousness, for Sin is Transgression of the Law (Torah) 1 John 3:4. Righteousness is the keeping of the Law (Torah). No, we are NOT Saved from our righteous acts (works) of Law abiding, but by doing so, we show our Faith and our Love for HIM and HIS Grace (unmerited favor) is abundantly given to us. James 2:17-26, 1 John 2:3-6; 5:3.

The Torah is G-d's guidlines or instruction. If we fail in one commandment, we have broken them all (James 2:10), but Yeshua is there with forgiveness. He takes away the condemnation because HE kept every aspect of the Torah, Perfectly.. The unblemished Lamb.

So I say also... Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.. The King is Coming again... Are you Ready?



Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Our" Choices and the Way of Cain

It is my observation that when a man has already decided the matter, and regardless of what proof is presented, he stands firm in his decision, the matter is settled and those who try and go against his decision are met with a futile attempt to convince others of his decision.

The Way of Cain is alive and well today and when a man enters into it, He has made the same decision as Cain did... "I know what my Father has asked me to do, however He will accept the offering that "I" have decided upon." We must strive to be as Abel and humbly do as we are asked without our "decision" getting in the way. We must read the Scriptures as a complete story, not taking bits and pieces to put together what we think the story is about. We must also take everything written in it's context, when it was written, who it was written to, and what they were up against at that time...

Here is a link to a good study on Cain....


Christianity and Replacement Theology

The primary problem that I see with most Christians is they believe in replacement theology (christianity replaces Judaism). Like it or not, Yeshua (Jesus) was Jewish, the Messiah of Israel and their Religion. He was/is the Messiah, Redeemer of the Jews first, then the Goy (Gentiles) Matthew 10:5-6, 15:24, Acts 9:15. (Read my Blog: "Jews to Christians" for more).

The Law or Jesus? I Choose our Savior. But, because He Loves me and I Love Him, I choose to walk as He did and (I try) to keep the Torah. Trust me, I screw up all the time, but He is there with His forgiveness. We are NOT Saved by the Keeping of the Law, only through HIS Blood. Hey, I understand the plight of the Christian, I have been there with you. Most of the arguments against the "Law" are just more of the same and contradict many, many scriptures. Matthew 5:17-20, speaks loudly to us all. "Fulfill" doesn't mean done away with, if it does HE contradicts Himself. He came to shed light on (fill-full) the "Instructions" (Torah, Law), not do away with it.

I think that the reason that the "Church" is in the state that it is, is because no one teaches what Sin is, by the Biblical definition in 1 John 3:4. When Jesus was on Earth and teaching; what did He quote from when He said "It is Written" ? He taught from the Torah & Prophets. This is what the unbelieving Jews were always trying to get Him with because they thought that He was teaching against the Torah or breaking the Torah. Without the Torah (Law) there is NO Sin, because without the Torah there is No knowledge of what Sin is. Jesus took away the condemnation, He bore the punishment for mine and your transgression of the Law. We should then follow the instruction in 1 John 2:6, 3:22-24.

If Believers would re-read the teachings of Jesus and Paul after spending time studying the first 5 books in the Bible, misunderstood things become very clear. I believe that you have to find an Anointed Teacher of the Torah who believes in Yeshua as the Messiah, because you just can't understand and learn the depth of the Torah and the Teachings of Yeshua and Paul without a Teacher who knows and understands the "Hebrewisms" of the Scriptures. There is a Great book that helps put it all in perspective called "Boundary Stones" by Aaron Eby.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Galatians Commentary

It is clear to me that what is being delt with in the book of Galatians is the thinking of being saved by keeping the Law. I think Paul was scolding them for having a legalist attitude toward the Law by them keeping the Law for Salvation. I tell you the Truth, We are NOT SAVED by Keeping the Law. Only by the blood of Yeshua (Jesus). We should look at the Torah as a guide book or instruction manual to learn things like not having improper relations with a sister or mother, and not living in a moldy house and what to do if you get mold in your house, etc., etc. Never any Salvation in it, just instruction that is of benefit to us even today. As far as the Feasts, I think that we can look at them as Holi-Days, to remind us of what is physically and spiritually connected to them, not Saved by them, just a neat way to remember. Yeshua is Truly in all of them. We are only SAVED by HIS Sacrifice/Blood in our place and if we believe HE is the Son of God, Then our sins are forgiven. I feel much better, personally, by celebrating the Feast Days as a remembrance instead of Holidays of a Pagan origin. There should not be any arguments as far as my last statement, because anyone can go to Wikipedia and study out the origins of Xmas, Easter etc. Anyway, I think that I have been very clear for everyone to see, that I believe that WE are NOT Saved by keeping the Law..


Monday, April 6, 2009

The Bill of Charges Against Us

I just discovered something interesting about Col. 2:14. Starting with verse 11 ... If you read these verses from the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) it seems to make more sense. "11 Also it was in union with him that you were circumcised with a circumcision not done by human hands, but accomplished by stripping away the old nature's control over the body. In this cirucumcision done by the Messiah, 12 you were buried along with him by being immersed; and in union with him, you were also raised up along with him by God's faithfulness that worked when he raised Yeshua from the dead. 13 You were dead because of your sins, that is, because of your "foreskin," your old nature. But God made you alive along with the Messiah by forgiving you all your sins.
14 He wiped away the bill of charges against us. Because of the regulations, it stood as a testimony against us; but he removed it by nailing it to the execution-stake."

To me this is saying that it is the list of sins and our old sinful nature that is being talked about here. Not the Law or Torah. This meshes with Rev. 20:12-15.. All our offenses are written down and if we do not believe in Yeshua as Messiah and ask for forgiveness through HIS Shed Blood, then our sins will not be wiped away. Our Blood will be required to pay the penalty and our name will be wiped away from the Book of Life... WOW! Another Ahaa Moment for Me... Hope it means something to you too... Shalom, John

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jews to Christians?

Did Yeshua (Jesus) intend on the the Creation of the Christian Church? The short answer is NO. HE intended on the Jews becoming Believer's in his Messiahship! Did HE negate the Jewish faith and all that was practiced by the Jews previous to HIS coming? I Say NO ! (Matt 5:17-20) He kept the Torah (Law) completely, that is why it is said there was no fault found in HIM, he was a perfect LAMB with no blemish. (Luke 23:4, 1 Peter 2:22-24) Wasn't the Great Commission given to Jewish men to go out and preach the good news that the Messiah had come and to teach what HE had done and also what HE would do in the Future? Wasn't the Great Commission to find the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel? (Matt 10:6, 15:24, James 1:1) Didn't HE also commission through Shaul (Paul) the conversion of Gentiles (non-Jewish, Goyim) to the Messianic Jewish Faith? (Acts 13:42-52, Isa 42:6; 49:6, Luke 2:32).

Some will use Acts 11:26 to uphold the term "Christian" and try to use this as well as Yeshua (Jesus) being called "the Christ" as basis for the Christian church. This idea is false and is built on a lie or possibly just a translation error which has lead to the idea of "Replacement Theology" (the christian religion replacing Judaism). If we go back to the original words that the Bible was translated from, you will see that there was never any intention of a Christian Church or another Religion. (Gal 1:6-9, 2 Cor 11:4) Look at the word "Christ" in the Strong's Concordance reference #5547 "Christos", from #5548 "Chrio" from the Greek, meaning "Anoint". This is a translation from the Hebrew word for "Messiah" #4899 "Mashiyach", from 4886 "Anointed". We find in two places in the Bible the Greek term "Messias" #3323, in John 1:41 and John 4:25. Why did the translators use "Messias" here instead of "Christos" or "Christ"? The point is that the words Christ, Christos, Messiah, or Messias are not HIS Name, it is a title showing that Yeshua was the Prophesied Savior. Therefore, in Acts 11:26 the Translators could have just as easily used the word "Messians" instead of "Christians".

"Christ" was never his name. If someone calls HIM "Christ" it is just describing HIM as the Anointed, The Messiah. When people say "Jesus Christ", it is as if it is HIS first and last name which is not correct. The people of HIS day referred to HIM as "Yeshua ben Yowceph" when HE was a boy and also by those who did not know or believe in HIS Messiahship when HE began HIS Ministry.

There is only one TRUE religion. It is the Belief in Yeshua as the Son of God, THE Promised Messiah and the observance of the Torah because of our Love and Faith in Him. He came to show the World the Truth about our Heavenly Father YHWH. He came to bring the Law and the Prophets to Life, and to Fulfill them. He was a Jew. He taught and kept all of the Torah (Law). He was a Rabbi (Teacher of the Torah). He was/is the embodiment of the Father. Everything that HE did was to Glorify the Father. Without HIM, there is NO hope for Eternal Life 1 John 5:3, 11-12).

I know that this writing is hard to read for some, however it still needs to be said. It is not meant to discourage. All of my writings are MY OPINION of what I see and understand when I am studying a specific subject using the Bible as my Source. I am much like a news reporter giving my account of what I see happening as I read the Scriptures in the Bible. My Goal in sharing my writings is to get people to open their eyes and ears and get their noses into the Scriptures. I exhort all who read my writings to examine their belief system and their Heart to make sure that they are living, believing and understanding to their fullest potential.

We should always ask ourselves "What Did Yeshua Do and What did the writers of the New Testament Scriptures do in the First Century?" They are our example. We must keep in context with what was happening at the time they lived. 1 Cor. 11:1-2, Acts 28:17, 1 John 2:3-6.

The Voice of Revelation 18:4 is still calling to us today... "Come out of her my people, that you not be partakers of her sins, and that you not receive of her plagues...


© 2009 Common Law Copyright John Dandridge, All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice. Can be reprinted ONLY if NO Changes are made to the Text.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

John 3:16

John 3:16 is awesome. I love to read the whole statement starting at verse 10 thru 21... A lot said there, but because the Bible is more than John 3:16, there is obviously more that we need to know. I am NO more than a reporter, so to speak. I am just giving my interpretation of what I see happening when I read the Scriptures. I am always open to reproof, but wouldn't it be nice to get scripture from others to help me see if I am wrong? I totally understand the resistance to the whole idea of predestination. However, what do we do with all of the Texts and references that support it? If you didn't actually read all of the scripture references that I gave, and only read my writing, then most would quickly have a negative reaction. I challenge you to tell me why the word "Predestined" is there and explain to me all of the text references, because I really want to know the truth.

Also explain all of the Scripture texts that are connected with the "Chosen".. For the record, we are not saved by anything other than what HE states in John 3:16. But as stated earlier there must be more to it or else there would be no reason for the rest of the Bible. That one text is important to someone who knows nothing about HIM and what it takes to be Saved. However, unless we have only 5 minutes to live when we first have contact with our Savior, there is much more for us to learn and do......

I wish that it was just one verse long and John 3:16 would be a good one.. However, no matter if I like it or not, there is all of this other stuff that makes up the bulk of the Scriptures and there has to be a reason for it all..

HE Calls Us... We Hear HIS Voice... We recognize HIS Voice... HE Chooses Us... We Choose to follow HIM... HE Loves Us... We Believe in HIM... We Love HIM.... HE Saves Us... We Rest in HIM...


Monday, March 30, 2009

Do We Choose Him or Does HE Choose us?

Do we struggle with the idea of Predestination because we have grown up not knowing or believing it? It seems clear, based on the Scriptures that HE Chooses us. HE knew us before the foundations of the Earth. Romans 8:28-30, 2 Timothy 1:9, 2:19, Romans 9:24, Ephesians 1:11... There is a text reference trail that can take a long time to read all of them.

Terms like: Called, Chose, Chosen, Predestined, Preordained are used in the Writings to describe those that are HIS. The terms "Choice" and "Free Will" are not used anywhere in the Bible (KJV, NKJV) to describe believers choosing or having free will.

Since HE knew us before we were born, knowing we are HIS, does HE call us and we hear HIS Voice and then we Believe? John 10:3-5, 14-16, 27-31.... If you Hear HIS Voice and you know him, go ahead and follow and enter HIS Rest. Read all of Hebrews 4...

HE Calls Us... We Hear HIS Voice... We recognize HIS Voice... HE Chooses Us... We Choose to follow HIM... HE Loves Us... We Believe in HIM... We Love HIM.... HE Saves Us... We Rest in HIM...



Grace, The Law, and The Chosen

The following is in response to a posting from a couple of my friend's comments on the Messianic Study on Colossians 2:14.

I wrote:

The definition of "Grace" is "un-merrited favor". There is nothing that we can do to be saved. It is a gift and if we confess that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah and repent of our sins, then HIS Blood covers our sins. I am pretty sure that you are right that you can't be unborn after we are born again. However, We can become a Prodigal, however the Prodigal came back, and the Father was over joyed by the return of His son. The Father's Love for His son never ended. I believe that HE Chose us first (John 15:16-19, Ephesians 1:4, 2 Thess 2:13, 1 Peter 2:4-9,James 2:5.) I believe that the chosen are those that have a heart that longs to be with their Father, they are not of this World. I believe that even if we decide to turn our back on HIM, He will not turn His back on us, because He will keep prompting us and our Heart will turn back to HIM.

As far as works, we are never saved by works, however Faith without Works is Dead (James 2:8-26) Notice the Royal Law, The Torah.. If the Torah was done away with at the foot of the Cross, then why is James talking about it, expounding on it, just like Yeshua did. Remember what Yeshua says in Matthew 5:17-48. ... He is quoting the Torah Law,(Royal Law) and expounding on it. Trying to help us have a fuller understanding of it. If the Law was of no avail to us after his Shed Blood, then why didn't HE take the many opportunities that HE had to tell us that? If Paul was teaching against the Law, then why did he continue to follow the Law by keeping the Feasts, prescribed in the Torah Law? (Acts 18:21). Why was Paul shearing his head according to the Law if it had been done away with? (Acts 18:18, 21:23). Paul does not contradict the Teachings of the Torah or Yeshua (Jesus).

Yeshua and Paul were under constant scrutiny and always accused of breaking or teaching against the Torah (Law). They never did. They expounded on it. Trying to make it clearer and also to teach against the doctines of men, known today as the Talmud (Mark 7:7-13, Colossians 2:20-22). Paul and Yeshua were upholding the Torah and showing the error of the Traditions and Commandments of Men. They both were constantly Defending the Law.

Now we must remember the Blood of Bulls and Goats can never take away sins, but point forward to the Blood Shed by Yeshua. Now it may appear to say that HE took away the old to make way for the new, but I really think that if this is what Paul is saying then he is contradicting himself and Yeshua's teachings. I am pretty sure that this is a hard to understand writing that Peter mentions in 2 Peter 3:15-16....

We do well to not be like Cain. (Jude 11, Read all of Jude). More could be said, but this will suffice for now.. Shalom, John

Through Hebrew Glasses

The following is response to a comment made by a friend concerning my note on "A New Thought".

I agree with you on the fact that we have traded the guidance of the Holy Spirit for a book that they didn't have if you are referring to the New Testament. However, they did have the Torah, Prophets and the Writings. I believe that Colossians 2:14 is misunderstood from the Christian New Testament standpoint. If we are going to understand Pauls writings, we must put on "Hebrew" glasses to read his words. Remember what Peter said in 2 Peter 3:16 concerning the writings of Paul. Look up all of the references and also remember that when he says "Scriptures" he is referring to the Torah, Prophets and Writinigs because at the time of his writing, that is all that they had to refer to. I also believe that in Colossians 2:14 the only thing nailed to the Cross from the Torah (Law) was the Handwriting that was against us... That is the Penalty, Punishment parts of the Torah because Yeshua (Jesus) gave Himself in our place.I think that we should remember that Yeshua said that HE did not come to Destroy or Nullify the Law and Prophets. Matthew 5:17. HE said that HE came to Fulfill and not one small letter would pass until everything be fulfilled. My thinking is that everything is not fulfilled until HE returns again and redeems us to Himself and then Destroys Ha Satan and all who practice Lawlessness (Torahlessness). I know that this is Bold and will ruffle some feathers but it is my belief. Please look up the word "Lawless" in the Bible and notice what it says in each passage and then do a word study on the words "Lawless" and "Lawlessness" and you will understand my words. I am going to post a note with a really good study on Colossians 2:14. I hope that you will study into this. I Love you Brother and I exhort you to Pray and Study these matters and I will Pray for you also, as I know that you will be Praying for Me.. Shalom, John

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ahaa Moments are Great!

Matthew 22:37 (NKJV) 37 Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets”

Truly and Ahaa moment for me....

The Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments, but they certainly don't negate the whole. Just because something is old or has been fulfilled doesn't mean it is not of any value, or that it is not worth remembering. Do we celebrate birthdays? If so, why? Hasn't that been fulfilled.. Of course, but a yearly remembrance is a great thing and should remind us of our beginning... Our Foundation.

I think that we should remember that when Yeshua (Jesus) spoke "It is Written" or when Paul was traveling spreading the good news, the New Testament was not even written. They were referring to the Law (Torah) and the Prophets (Neviim). When HE spoke the words "If you Love me, Keep my Commandments" (John 14:15), HE was referring to the Torah and HE also stated that HE "Did not come to Destroy the Law and the Prophets, HE came to fulfill and not one Jot or title shall in no wise pass till ALL be fulfilled (Matthew 5:17-20). I am pretty sure that everything has not been fulfilled yet, so my thinking is that all that is written in the Law and Prophets is still of value to us and maybe I should look a lot closer into it.

Call me a Legalist, some might. However, I Love Him and my sins are forgiven because of HIS shed Blood in my Stead. For this, I owe HIM my Life. I am not Saved by the works of the Law, this is for sure, but indeed we have need of the Teachings of the Law to help us build our foundation. A Strong foundation built upon Rock, cannot be easily torn down. We do well to realize that HE is the Culmination and Fulfillment of the Law, even though all is not fulfilled, yet... HE is THE ROCK, the Foundation of the Church and HIS Foundation was built upon the Teachings of the Law and The Prophets.

A lot more could be said, but I have just recently had a HUGE burden taken off of me and scales have dropped out of my eyes and I have a RE-NEWED want to Love HIM and do HIS will. I hope that you will be encouraged and I hope that you check your foundation and framework to make sure that it is Solid.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A new thought...

I just had a thought that I wanted to share. What if... Through all of the Scriptures, when HE speaks of HIS NAME, HE is referring to something that is simple. That HE is in your Heart and in your Mind. That really HE is not concerned with phonetics? Is it possible that over the years that I missed this point because I am so literal and technical in my thinking. Have I missed the REAL point?

Matthew 22:37 (NKJV)

37 Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cross or Stake?

Did the Romans use a Cross or a

Stake for Crucifixions?

Recently I was studying the scriptures and just casually reading a book called EERDMANS’ Handbook to the Bible. It is a really interesting book with a lot of pictures and commentaries concerning each chapter of the Bible. As I got toward the end of the book I ran into a picture of a Roman execution and it took me by surprise. Instead of the man being crucified on a cross, he was hanging from a straight post. The inset states "

“The cross was offensive to the Jews, absurd to the Gentiles. A Roman execution is shown in this figure found at Halicanassus.” Picture facsimile from EERDMANS’ Handbook to the Bible. © 1973 Lion Publishing. Page 591."

Notice this quote from Easton's Bible Dictionary "Cross". "After the conversion, so-called, of Constantine the Great ( 313), the cross first came into use as an emblem of Christianity. He pretended at a critical moment that he saw a flaming cross in the heavens bearing the inscription, “In hoc signo vinces”, i.e., By this sign thou shalt conquer, and that on the following night Christ himself appeared and ordered him to take for his standard the sign of this cross. In this form a new standard, called the Labarum, was accordingly made, and borne by the Roman armies. It remained the standard of the Roman army till the downfall of the Western empire. It bore the embroidered monogram of Christ, i.e., the first two Greek letters of his name, X and P (chi and rho), with the Alpha and Omega."

This by NO means negates or plays down the seriousness and importance of what our Savior did for us. Torture is horrible no matter how it is employed. We just need to realize that maybe we have once again been lead astray from the truth by the Adversary.

The cross or stake was the "type" of the wood used for the Jewish Sacrifice of the Lamb. Yeshua (Jesus) carried the wood for the sacrifice on his shoulder, just like Issac did on Mt. Moriah. It is amazing all of the things that happened exactly as needed for the Saviour's blood to be put on the Mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant. This was the only way that his blood would actually be for the Atonement of our Sins.

There is no greater gift than someone laying down their life for another. Yeshua gave up his innocent, unblemished life so that you and I could live.... Forever ! This is why we should Love and Worship him.

John Dandridge

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Scripture Study Mindset

Is there a difference between studying the Bible to prove something wrong versus studying to prove something right? Will the outcome and our willingness to accept and follow something new be dependant on our mindset at the beginning? I believe that it will, so I think that we should have a positive mindset when we are searching for answers and we should put as much effort possible into finding the answers and we should be open to whatever the answers are.

I believe that we should always remember that there is potential value in all things, and the possibility of a positive life changing experience, if we would just humble our hearts and realize that we probably don't know everything there is to know about the Bible. In our study and research, we should be ready to gratefully accept something that is Biblically sound and respectfully disregard something that is not. I think that this is a sign of someone that is truly connected to our Savior.

I am Praying for you and I hope that you find new light to help brighten your path on your journey to the Kingdom...

Shalom and Peace in Yeshua our Messiah,


Friday, February 27, 2009



Revised 9-07-2014
Recently I met some people and we started talking about spiritual things and the question was asked to me, “ Have you received the Holy Spirit and had the evidence by speaking in Tongues?" My response was probably like most people’s . Uhm, I don’t know, I really don’t believe in that. But I wasn’t really sure why I responded like I did. As I have thought about my answer to them it came to me that I really didn’t know for my self, all I knew was the traditional belief passed on to me from my parents and my former church association. So, I knew that I had to study this in the Scriptures on my own. My contention is that what is done today in the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement does not match what we see in Scripture. Charismatic Christianity teaches that “You must speak in Tongues to show the proof that you have received the Holy Spirit “.. I don't find this "teaching" anywhere in Scripture, and that is what this writing is going to present.
The 2nd Chapter of Acts during the Feast of Pentecost is where we find the first instance of speaking in tongues..
Acts 2:3 - 4 says, “ And there appeared unto to them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. ”
First, we should find out what the word “ tongues “ really means, in the Strong’s Concordance #1100 is “Glossa”, which means, the actual tongue in a man’s mouth, or a language or dialect used by a particular people distinct from that of other nations.  It simply means another language different from the person’s original language... We have to look at every time in the Bible the word “Tongues“ is used... Look these up. In every case you can say “a different language“ instead of saying the word “Tongues“. Except in Acts 2:3, Romans 3:13,in these text it would be appropriate to use the word “Tongue“, like the one in your mouth...
We find in 1 Corinthians 12:4, that “ there are diversities in gifts, but the same Spirit “ and then in 1 Cor. 12:8-10 we find the list of gifts that can be given to us by the Holy Spirit. They are as follows: Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Tongues (languages), Interpretation of Tongues (languages), and in verse 28 it lists: apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, gifts of healings, helps, administrations, kinds of tongues/glossa. Notice that in verses 10 and 28, tongues is listed last. Why? I believe it is because tongues is least among the list of Spiritual Gifts, but in today's time if has become the first or most important. It has it's place, but it has been "mis-placed". Today, "tongues" is out of place and given too much concern or attention.
I have made an observation concerning the churches that teach the doctrine “ you must speak in tongues as proof of receiving the Holy Spirit “. They all seem to believe this teaching without really studying on their own, therefore I believe they are simply following a traditional belief passed down from generation to generation... They are going on feelings and tradition instead of "sound doctrine" based solely on Scripture and Scriptural examples written in The Bible. One of my other observations is that this "speaking in tongues" happens to those that are part of a Charismatic, Pentecostal, Assembly of God, type "church".  Generally we don't see this in the other denominations, unless someone with a background in a charismatic church brings it in. Everyone that I have ever talked with about this, who says that they have recieved this "gift" has a background in one of the charismatic type denominations. This should make us question it's legitimacy.  Does God only give this "gift" to those in a certain denomination?

Another thing that happens in the instances of what I believe is a False “Holy Spirit“ encounter is people shaking, and their eyes quivering, flaying themselves on the floor, crying, laughing, babbling, crawling around on the floor, "slain in the spirit", running and jumping around in an excited state, basically uncontrollable..completely out of control. They say that all of these things are the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit.. But, if we look at all of the examples of people in the Bible receiving the Holy Spirit, do we get a picture of them babbling uncontrollably or any of the other things that I previously stated? The answer is NO. How about the instances of Yeshua healing someone that was sick or had a demon, we see that these people, when they where healed, “stood to their feet and praised and thanked him” They did not jump around and act like a mad man. The ones that jumped around, babbled, and quivered etc. were the ones that had a demon spirit in them. When the demon spirit was cast out they were calm and peaceful.

Now don’t get me wrong and do not misunderstand, I do believe that there is a gift of Speaking in Tongues.. But, I believe that there is enough evidence to say that Speaking in Tongues is simply speaking in another language that is foreign to the person speaking... It could also mean that the speaker was speaking in his own language and the hearers heard in their language. 

In 1 Corinthians 14:2 the phrase "For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in spirit he speaks mysteries." This leads us to believe that there is possibly an unknown language that no one knows, except our Heavenly Father. This is definitely possible, I am not about to put GOD in a box and try to say that he doesn't have an unknown language. However, I think if we look at the other key statements made in 1 Corinthians 14 we can put together a pretty good idea of what Sha'uwl/Paul is trying to convey to the reader of this letter to the Assembly of Believers in Corinth. First we need to acknowledge verse 1 and let it set the tone for the rest of the chapter. "Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy." 

We should next look at v.4 which says "one who speaks in a tongue edifies himself; but one who prophesies edifies the church". Before we go any further let's look at the word "edifies". In Greek it is "oikodomeo" which means build, builders, building, built, edified, edifies, edify, rebuild, or strengthened. It gives the idea here that the person speaking a tongue builds himself up, but one who prophesies builds up the assembly of believers. 

Now lets look at verse 5 and 6. He wishes all spoke in tongues, but more so wishes that they would prophesy and the one who prophesies is greater than the person speaking in a tongue, unless he interprets so that the Assembly of Believers would be built up. He states that if he was to come to them speaking in tongues, what would it profit them unless he would speak by way of revelation, knowledge, prophecy or teaching. In verse 9 he states that unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear, you will be speaking into the air and how will it be known what is spoken? Now in verse 10 and 11 he makes a statement that we need to remember because it challenges the idea that the "tongues" that are spoken today in the churches is unknown and directed to God. "There are perhaps, a great many kinds of languages in the world, and no kind is without meaning and if I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be the one who speaks like a Barbarian." Verse 12 then goes on to say that they should seek to abound for the edification of the church. Remember, edification means to Build up or Strengthen. 

In verse 13 the speaker of a tongue should pray that he may interpret. For if he prays in a tongue, his spirit prays, but his mind is unfruitful or unproductive. (v.14.) The outcome should be that of praying with the spirit and mind also; and sing with the spirit and sing with the mind also (v.15.). Otherwise if you bless in the spirit only, how will the "ungifted" say "amen" since he wouldn't know what you are saying? Yes, it is good to give thanks, but the other person (who doesn't understand what you are saying) is not edified or built up. (v.16-17).  It is very likely that Paul knew that what they were doing was uninterpretable, therefore "closing" the door on this practice?

Paul goes on to say in verses 18-19 that he is thankful that he speaks in tongues (languages) more than you all; however, in the Assembly of Believers (Church) he desires to speak five words with his mind or understanding so that he may instruct others also, rather than ten thousand words in a tongue. 

He goes on and makes a statement that I think pretty much sums up the idea that he is trying to teach. In verse 22 he says that tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to unbelievers

If we read the rest of Chapter 14 we continue to get the idea of order, not confusion and that everyone in the Assembly of Believers should be conscious of edifying or building up the Assembly.

On the website of The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America they make the following statement concerning "Glossalalia".

                "Corinth was greatly influenced by Greek paganism which included demonstrations, frenzies and orgies, all intricately interwoven into their religious practices. In post Homeric times, the cult of the Dionysiac orgies made their entrance into the Greek world. According to this, music, the whirling dance, intoxication and utterances had the power to make men divine; to produce a condition in which the normal state was left behind and the inspired person perceived what was external to himself and the senses.

In other words, the soul was supposed to leave the body, hence the word ecstasy (ek stasis). They believed that while the being was absent from the body, the soul was united with the deity. At such times, the ecstatic person had no consciousness of his own.

The Corinthians of Paul's time were living under the influence of Dionysiac religious customs. It was natural that they would find certain similarities more familiar and appealing. Thus the Corinthians began to put more stress on certain gifts like glossolalia. No doubt the Apostle was concerned that their ties and memories of the old life should be reason enough to regulate the employment of Glossolalia."

This statement gives good support for what I am trying to teach in this writing.  We need to realize the pagan influence that surrounded the Believers in Corinth.  We also need to understand that New Corinthians converts, would bring their "pagan baggage" with them.  I believe that this is what Paul is dealing with when he is writing to them about "Tongues" or "Glossais"(plural form of Glossa/Tongue).  At this point I want to tell you that the word "Glossalalia" does NOT exist in the Greek Text.  Glossalalia is the "modern" word to describe the "speaking in tongues" that we hear of today.  It is man-made and of no Biblical origin.

With all of this being said we must remember that Paul/Sha'uwl was a Hebrew, an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, schooled under Gamaliel and of "the Way"(believers in Messiah Yeshua). He was a "Lawyer" of the Law/Torah and Torah was his "checks and balances". His primary language was Hebrew, but also spoke Aramaic, Greek and possibly Latin. He may have spoke other known languages that we are not aware of. When he says that tongues are for a sign, we need to remember what is said in 1 Corinthians 1:22 and Hebrews 2:3-4. We need to look at this as the gift of tongues enables a person to speak to and understand those who need to hear the Besorah/Good News/Gospel. We need to see that the gift of tongues was meant to reach the unsaved Jews. When unbelievers heard men speak languages that they ordinarily would not know, and heard them witness in their own native tongue; it would be a sign to them that they should listen to the message. We are not supposed to be thinking of ourselves and how we can build up ourselves. We should be "mature" and consider the "babies" and how we can "edify" or build them up in the Truth!  Just imagine a Hebrew, speaking fluent Japanese, would sure get the attention of people who speak Japanese. This is really an unending line of thinking because you can come up with many scenarios that fit with what I am trying to say. Each situation would be different, but the outcome should be to share the good news to someone of a different language so the Assembly of Believers would be built-up!
Speaking in a “Tongue” is a Sign for those that are NOT believers and they speak a different language than the person witnessing to them. 1Cor. 14: 21-23... Notice that Paul includes a little hint of what they should have seen or understood because they hear "strange tongues". Verse 21 quotes Isaiah 28:10-13 which states: "For He says, Order on order, order on order, Line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there. Indeed, He will speak to this people through stammering lips and a foreign tongue, He who said to them, Here is rest, give rest to the weary, and, here is repose, but they would not listen. So the word of the LORD to them will be "Order on order, order on order, Line on line, line on line, a little here, a little there" that they may go and stumble backward, be broken, snared and taken captive." But, within this quoted scripture is a little known fact that you have to be shown or else you won't know. The translators made up a translation to try and give meaning to "Sav lasav, sav lasav, Kav lakav, kav lakav, Ze'er sham, ze'er sham". These words are Hebrew gibberish. It means nothing, just like a Baby's Babble or a Drunk man's words. If we look at the verses previous to and after these, we see the context and are able to easily see what is being said. Those who are Babies or Drunks will only be able to Hear words that make no sense, that they may go and stumble backwards, be broken, snared, and taken captive. Contextually, we see that Yahweh (The LORD) responds to their scoffing of the Truth by imitating their mockery to represent the unintelligible language of a conquerer. This is prophetic of what those in Jerusalem would have heard from the foreign soldiers/people who would come in and destroy The City and take them captive while speaking a different language that they don't understand. This is speaking to the Babylonian captivity as well as the Roman seige on Jerusalem in 70 A.D.  Isaiah 29:13 is very profound and fits into this topic very well. When someone speaks a language that you don't understand it might as well be "childish babble". We can also see the Gentile connection here, knowing that non-jew, non-hebrew speaking people will speak the Good-News of Yeshua the Messiah and the coming Restoration of All Things to those of the "Jews" who don't know the Good News. With that being said we can also see the connection with Acts 2 and the Jew/Galilean teaching the "Gentile" the Good News.  This is where the "Gift of Tongues" comes into play because instead of people hearing babbling, they Hear in their own language and understand. Truly a Miracle!
In Acts 2, when the disciples recieved the Gift, they were speaking The Good News to those gathered for Shavuot/Pentecost. They were heard in the listener's own language. Acts 2:4 says they "began to speak with other languages (tongues/glossa), as the Spirit was giving them ability to speak out (utterance/apophtheggomai). Then we see in verse 5 that the "hearers" were Jews living in Jerusalem, cautious (devout/eulabes) men from every nation (race/ethnicity/gentile/ the nations distinct from Israel) under heaven. Verse 6 states that the "hearers" were bewildered because each one of them was hearing the speaker speak to them in his (the hearer) own language. The people hearing these men speak like this were amazed and astonished, because the men speaking were Galileans, but in verse 8 we see that "we hear them in our own language in which we were born". They couldn't believe their eyes and ears. They had never experienced anything like this before. These men were all of Known Tribes/Nations, with Known languages. Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians, Judeans, Cappadocians, also from Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Libya, Cyrene, Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism), Cretans and Arabs. They all heard this going on and say to the others with them of their nation "we HEAR them in our own language(s) speaking of the mighty Works/Deeds of Elohim/God."(v.11) They were amazed and greatly perplexed, asking, "What does this mean?", but the ones with "no ears to hear" the message of the Good News, mocked them and accused them of just being drunk. (v.12-13).
What example do we have from this account of Acts 2?  Do we see anyone doing what we see being done in the "Churches" today? The answer is a resounding NO!  I have talked with people that have experienced this so called receiving the “Holy Spirit” and it is interesting that it comes up from their feet, and wells up in them and then they start speaking uncontrollably. Read all of 1 Cor. 14 again... There is to be order, and the speaking in a different language (tongue) is useless to the "church", unless someone can interpret what is being said.  What is done today is not translatable.  The witness of Scripture shows us that they should and could control it and not speak if there was no translator or unbeliever present to hear and understand the message.
Speaking in “Tongues” is a gift to those that will be witnessing to the unbelievers of other Languages. Sha’uwl/Paul makes it clear that “ Prophecy” is of MORE value to the Believers, because this gives valuable instruction to the Church... The Believers should not need a sign. There is no need for an English speaking church member to speak in a foreign language unless there are unbelieving visitors from another country and/or language.
I also want to touch on the fact that I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, how these groups of people put so much pressure on their members to speak in “Tongues” that they are led into it and they are literally pushed into it by coercion to the point where this person looses control and does what they are being pressured in to.  I have also been told that they will tell a person who has not "recieved" it yet, to practice what they have heard from others. PRACTICE ????  This should be a HUGE Red Flag, warning them to get out of there.  These groups put people into a state of mind which I believe opens them up to deception. We all want to fit in and we want to please our peers, so all of this sets up the person to become what they behold. I believe we should consider Second Thessalonians 2:10-11 here and really consider the fact that not having a love for the Truth will set you up to believe what is False. "they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved and for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false". What is done (by most if not all) today is not scriptural. In all of the scriptural examples of a person either receiving the “Holy Spirit” or speaking in a tongue, it just happens without the person or the church even knowing it is about to happen. And it happens without chanting, dancing, peer pressure, coercion, or practicing!
Remember that “speaking in tongues” and interpreting tongues is last on the list of spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:8-11), so its importance is only when it is needed to witness to someone of another language. We need to realize that just because we experience or feel something, doesn't mean it is True. Part One of the Bible gives us 3 Tests that we need to apply to what is going on today. Deuteronomy 13:1-18; Deut. 18:22 and Isaiah 8:20. These rules/instructions can be applied to Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, and anyone that acts as or says they are representatives of the Word of GOD. It is to be a "Checks and Balances" to what is happening before our eyes. I will say here to all of the "Old Testament Nay-Sayers" who say that the "Old Testament" isn't for us today, that they need to consider 1 Corinthians 10 and especially verses 6 and 11. We are the people upon whom the ends of the ages have come and we need to look back at previous examples in Scripture so that we don't fall as they did. How are we to know what is Counterfeit, if we are not taught what is REAL? People today live their lives on Entertainment, Feelings and Experiences and the "Highs" that come with it. Entertainment is what I see happening in most congregations. The leaders of these congregations are competing with TV, Internet and Video games and people will not stick around for anything less than the "high" that they get from all the other forms of entertainment. Hopped up of hype is the order of today!
I want to share a story that I believe exemplifies what I believe to be True Speaking in Tongues. There was a pastor who traveled to Africa to share the Gospel with a large group of people who did not speak the pastor's language, which is English. This pastor had no knowledge of their language and was to rely on a translator to Interpret for him. The evening came and it was time to begin, but the pastor's interpretor did not show up. They waited for a while and it was clear that he was not coming. There was no one else to interpret. Most would have cancelled the meeting, however this pastor prayed for help and he decided to go ahead and speak to the people in English and hope that they would some how understand. When the pastor got on stage and began to speak, to everyone's amazement, they heard fluent Swahili, their native tongue. Can you imagine the amazement of the African people to hear this man witness to them in their language. Can you imagine how much more meaningful his words were to them when they found out that the pastor had not studied or learned their language before coming to them? Now, I don't know if he was given the ability to speak Swahili, or if he spoke in English but they heard in Swahili. Either way, I believe, gives a True Biblical example of what Speaking in Tongues would look like today.
I believe that we have enough evidence to know that what happens in the groups that believe that you have to speak in tongues to prove the receipt of the Holy Spirit, is simply NOT the same thing that is taught in the Scriptures. It is a deception.
It seems clear to me that the proof of someone receiving the Holy Spirit is revealed by the Fruits that they Produce. A goodly tree is known by it’s Fruit..
We must come out of Error and Tradition and follow what is taught in the Scriptures Only... Friend, you must think for yourself while studying the Bible.... We are to be a Workman that need not be ashamed. Rightly dividing/handling the Truth... 2 Timothy 2:15
Thank you for reading this, I hope that you will Pray and ask our Heavenly Father to guide you in your study of his word !!
Maranatha, John
© 2009 Common Law Copyright John Dandridge, All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice. Can be reprinted ONLY if NO Changes are made to the Text. Revised 9-07-2014.
Hello and Shalom Friends.

Welcome to the YahSpeaks Blogspot...

I started this Blog to share some of my personal studies that I have written, as well as other studies and information that I believe is of value to anyone who is searching the Bible for deeper understanding of the Scriptures.

If you are Christian, Jewish, Messianic Jewish, Non-Believer, Curious, or simply not sure what you are, you are Welcome and Accepted here. You will find information here that is NOT the ordinary Biblical teachings that are taught in the mainstream.

I humbly accept my role in these writings and I realize that I am fallible. I definitely want feedback and questions. However, any comments that are not kept "clean", will be deleted. I may not be able to respond to all questions, but I will try to get to all that I can. With that being said, I must say that I am publishing these studies to simply get out ideas that provoke the reader to further study and prayer. I am not a perfect writer and sometimes I make mistakes in spelling and punctuation, so I hope that you will look at the bigger picture and not get caught up in my punctuation or spelling errors...

I hope that you will have an open mind and a willingness to study the references and texts given to see if you come up with the same conclusions that I have..

May our Creator and Savior Bless You,

John Dandridge